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FA Cup is the oldest football competition in the world. The tournament‘s started played in 1871 and more than 670 clubs of England‘s played at least one match in this competition. FA Cup is interesting because there we can see some unpredictable results – when third-league clubs wins against teams of the Premier League. Members of the are interested in this Cup because the odds of some matches is really high.

  • Επιλογές Αρχείου (τελευταίες 90μ.)

Bournemouth - Leicester

Marius.R 0 02/27 19:30 Πριν από 2 μήνες

Bournemouth - Leicester

Marius.R 0 02/27 19:30 Πριν από 2 μήνες

Bournemouth - Leicester

andriux007 0 02/27 19:30 Πριν από 2 μήνες

Bournemouth - Leicester

kinza 0 02/27 19:30 Πριν από 2 μήνες