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2019/01/30 20:10 FC Porto (-2) @1.934 2/10

Porto are 1st position in the table with 46 points while Belenenses are seventh with 29 points. Porto have only lost twice this season in the league. Porto, at home in 9 games, have won 8 games and lost just one. Belenenses, away from home have won three games, drawn five games and lost one game. Porto have won their last 3 head to head games. At home, in their 3 last head to head games, Porto have won 3-0, 2-0 and 2-0. I expect them to win here by 3 clear goals or more as they score freely at home.

  • Ψηφίστηκε: 0
18+ | T&C Apply | Play Responsibly


Ευχαριστώ: 107

Ακόλουθοι: 0

  • Μονάδες 68.40
  • ROI 4.04%
  • W% 45.34%

Τελευταίες 10 προβλέψεις:

  • Συνολικές προβλέψεις: 885
  • Κερδισμένες μονάδες: 1837.40
  • W-L-T : 384-463-38
  • Μέσο Ποντάρισμα Μονάδων: 2.00
  • Πονταρισμένες μονάδες: 1769.00
  • Μέσες Αποδόσεις: 2.430

Αλλαγή μονάδας

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