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2020/05/01 09:19 Πάνω (26,5) @2.000 2/10

We're in for a very pissed-off duel here. The form of the players is on a very similar level as well as the style of playing the duo Uli and Derkeps to the feats of TENZKA and HS. I don't see a clear favourite here. These teams often give rounds and don't finish matches too fast. Kova does not have to be crossed out, they should fight with Nordavind as equals. The line in the b365 25.5 is more secure but the odds are much smaller (1.65) hence the risk is slightly higher but at a good odds.

  • Ψηφίστηκε: 0
18+ | T&C Apply | Play Responsibly

Ευχαριστώ: 0

Ακόλουθοι: 0

  • Μονάδες 58.74
  • ROI 30.92%
  • W% 49.35%

Τελευταίες 10 προβλέψεις:

  • Συνολικές προβλέψεις: 77
  • Κερδισμένες μονάδες: 248.74
  • W-L-T : 38-39-0
  • Μέσο Ποντάρισμα Μονάδων: 2.47
  • Πονταρισμένες μονάδες: 190.00
  • Μέσες Αποδόσεις: 2.694

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