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Stakhovsky Sergiy - Dustov Farrukh

07/08 15:00 v_0 +10.00
2014/07/08 09:14 Stakhovsky Sergiy (2-0) @2.000 10/10

Tikriausiai geriausias dienos statymas, eis cia su visom forom. Niekam nepaslaptis, kad stako megstamiausia danga grass, tad susivelus wimblyje, puiki proga pradejo newporte. Serve/volley meistras! Tiesiog patys zinot, ka jis gali padaryti ant zoles. Kitam korto gale dustovas. Visu pirma pazejau, kad cia ATP turnyrus, ir pagalvojus ka cia jis veikia tai net nesupratau. Pakilo jis i ta 142 vieta, bet daugiau ir nekils, tik ne su tokiu zaidimu. Na o gryzta is winetkos challenger, kur daeita iki finalo, zaista sekmadieni. O cia jau iskarto ant zoles lipti ir vel reikia adaptuotis ir fitnesas bus pakrites ir ne tas varzovas. easy stakas

  • Voted: 30
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  • Units 113.70
  • ROI 4.47%
  • W% 53.85%

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  • W-L-T : 154-132-10
  • Avg.Stake of Units: 8.89
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  • Avg. Odds: 1.994

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    I believe it has a lot of value. Even though I stood apart from the group when they met in Brazil, watching the American make fun of Fonseca and knowing how easily he can be psychologically vulnerable, I think that coefficient is absurd. Overall, his set is 1.49 which is much better than Brazil's Peru. A slightly higher coefficient is also more reliable. It is definitely possible for Peru, because they always have close matches against each other, and knowing that in tennis it is harder to defeat the same opponent in a short period of time, I see a lot of value.
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