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2018/01/16 21:42 Anadolu Efes (+13) @-104 10/10

  • Voted: 23
18+ | T&C Apply | Play Responsibly


Thanks: 444

Followers: 12

  • Units 73.20
  • ROI 0.31%
  • W% 52.31%

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  • Total picks: 2554
  • Units won: 24549.20
  • W-L-T : 1291-1177-86
  • Avg.Stake of Units: 9.58
  • Staked units: 24476.00
  • Avg. Odds: -101

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Comments (2)

  • brexit CSKA is playing at home with full rosters, so why +?
    I don't see why this is a bad pick. CSKA feeling safe in 1st place and they don't need to ruined something especially with the injuries. While Efes with new coach Erdogan playing much more disciplined basketball. Big handicap and for me it's worth to try
  • CSKA is playing at home with full rosters, so why +?