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2020/08/18 09:42 Over (Map1 - Will there be a knife kill? YES) @320 4/10

ESL One Cologne 2020 Europe.

Pagaliau didesnis turnyras, kur ilgai galastytus peilius į auditoriją paleisti turi fnatic team. Tai jau tapo šios teams, o ypač flusha bei JW, arkliukas. Jau naudojau šią strategiją ne vieną kartą čia ir gavosi šiek tiek pelno, tai bandome dar kartą. Prieš du mėnesius kai rašiau peilius fnatic mačuose galima buvo matyti kone 50% map'ų, o ir statistika rinkta per 40-50 sužaistų map'ų, tai ne iš piršto laužtas dalykas.

Praeitą kartą kai žaidė su Astralis ESL One Road to Rio turnyre, tai 2 iš 3 map'ų buvo peiliai. Koeficientai dar gali nukristi kažkiek, tai jeigu bus žemesni nei 3.8 aš jau neimčiau..

  • Voted: 1
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  • Units -86.24
  • ROI -3.86%
  • W% 45.52%

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  • Total picks: 310
  • Units won: 2302.76
  • W-L-T : 132-158-20
  • Avg.Stake of Units: 7.71
  • Staked units: 2389.00
  • Avg. Odds: 136.9

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    Brave Bears - Messitas

    rekklesmygod 03/13 21:30 16 minutes ago
    Messitas (-5.5 2nd map) @175 10/10
    BB is the weakest team in history on which one could wager for over 10 years of playing CS. It consists of 3-4 level players and one decent AWPer who can hit headshots. Despite having all 10+ and plenty of experience, they struggle against other teams. However, as a team, they are considerably stronger and even more so in terms of skill. Against all odds, BB barely manages to win 1-2 rounds in the league. Even if they were to have both pistols, they would still lose and possibly go -9.5. This is a guaranteed free bet.
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    Brave Bears - Messitas

    rekklesmygod 03/13 21:30 16 minutes ago
    Messitas (-11.5 match handicap) @-125 10/10
    The BB team was the most successful team in history, on which I've been betting for over 10 years in CS. They have 3-4 level players and one decent Elenzz player who is able to hit headshots. They have all 10+ players and a lot of experience, although they struggle against other teams, their teamwork is significantly stronger and their skills are even more so. Against other teams, BB gets an incredible score and barely loses 1-2 rounds in the league. Even if they both get pistols, all matches will most likely have a -9.5 spread in favor of BB. For the series, the handicap is -11.5.
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