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2022/04/11 14:23 (Over 155.5) @-133 8/10

Susitinka dvi lygiavercios teams,siais metais puikia forma demonstruojantys lietkabelis,nekuom nenusileidzia rytui,net ir bukmekeriai duoda minimalius sansus iskovoti Peru lietkabeliui,si sezona teams tarpusavio macuose pasidalino po Peru ir siandien laukia vel inirtinga kova,both teams megsta greita puolima ir renka daug points,ir bothejuose tarpusavio macuose taipat Peru toki overi,manau ir sianden points netruks.

  • Voted: 4
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Thanks: 113

Followers: 4

  • Units -173.78
  • ROI -3.18%
  • W% 48.40%

Last 10 picks:

  • Total picks: 733
  • Units won: 5649.22
  • W-L-T : 333-355-45
  • Avg.Stake of Units: 7.94
  • Staked units: 5823.00
  • Avg. Odds: 104

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