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2022/12/04 16:54 Over (Fouls Total 24,5+) @1.850 8/10

England is the favorite for this match, but the match against the USA England turned out rather dull and it was not the third round without any elements. Senegal, as shown by the match against the Netherlands, is capable of giving a fight, the team attacks a lot and makes a lot of shots on goal. As it is the round of 16, there should be a lot of fighting, as Senegal, as the coach said, if they reach the last 11. penalties, they are capable of defeating. But to reach the extension, you need to hold out for 120 minutes. Therefore, there is no need to expect a blind Senegal attack, especially until the score is equal, but there should be counterattacks from Senegal, and when stopping them, you often have to be punished.

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Lietuvis Rinkikas

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