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2022/12/26 10:08 (Over 1.5 Tottenham) @-120 8/10

The English Premier League is back and here I suggest you consider the Tottenham match. A good coach as one of the leaders of the Premier League plays away from the midgets. All footballers have to play in the Tottenham team, so here the team is clearly stronger. That's how Brantford surprised everyone by beating City, but after that and before that, the team played poorly and the results really didn't matter. Tottenham are very good in attack, both Kane and Son and other very serious attacking players make up Totte's attack which is one of the best in the whole league with 31 goals in 15 matches. Here I choose the victory of Totte and their 1.5 goal overtime, because in this match Totte must dominate and start celebrating the period of victory, especially against Brentford team, which concedes more goals than shots (23/25) Brentford team, together with friendly matches, in 8 matches even conceded 5 times for 2 or more goals each, so Totte's attack must also score at least 2

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