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2023/01/15 09:42 Zaragoza @-172 8/10

Futsal football (futsal) Spain second league...the home base is youth, which is raised and nurtured) for the main team of Real Betis, which moves in the highest Spanish futsal league (National League). Today I choose the guests with victory! The team was relegated from the National League, there was a change in the team.. the last to be reinforced, the legionnaire from Argentina, Tomas Pescio, feels great, he declares that he is in good physical shape, today is his debut... I think it shows a smarter game, with a more solid composition and experience) Zaragoza, completes the first round away win. 1.58 7bet

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  • Units -326.62
  • ROI -1.21%
  • W% 62.05%

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