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2024/02/17 09:50 9 Pandas @110 8/10

Koeficientas bet365 dar likęs aukštesnis, visur kitur jau sukritęs. Pandos pralaimėjo tik stipresnėms komandoms Faze ir Movistars šį PGL. AMKAL taip stipriai vertinami, nes apgailėtinus Falcons vakar Palaužė. Pralaimėjo ir Enterprise ir nevykusiems Fnaticam. 9 Pandas geresnė team ir geresni žaidėjai. AMKAL išvis kažkoks buvusių entropiqų mixas iš kurio vienintelis dar pusėtinas žaidėjas IGL Nickelback. Atrodo vieni vartai turėtų būti čia tokios svarbos matche.

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  • Units -169.68
  • ROI -4.35%
  • W% 42.13%

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  • Units won: 3769.32
  • W-L-T : 214-294-5
  • Avg.Stake of Units: 7.68
  • Staked units: 3939.00
  • Avg. Odds: 149

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    iChew 03/14 14:45 in 6 minutes
    Vitality (2:0) @-112 8/10
    In my opinion, Vitality is currently the better team and I will stick with them until the end - both potentially in the semifinals against NaVi and potentially in the final against Spirit. Liquid made it to the playoffs, but their game does not inspire confidence. The match against 3DMAX was not easy, and we can also remember their losses against MOUZ, Falcons, and Spirit. There are not many maps where Liquid would have the advantage - perhaps Anubis, which Vitality does not particularly like but still plays well. Ancient is banned by Vitality, which is one of Liquid's better maps. That leaves Inferno, Nuke, and Dust2 - everywhere Vitality looks strong. Even if Liquid tries their luck with Train, Vitality has won all three times so far. I am not expecting any surprises, I believe that Vitality will take the series 2-0.
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