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2024/06/05 22:28 The MongolZ @-104 10/10

Mongolia team in amazing form: 8 wins in a row, 2/2 in this tournament (won against Ence & Sashi). According to the 2.0 ratings, MongolZ starts this tournament with 1.19, which is the second highest score among all teams. 4 players have a rating of 1.20+, only Blitz lags behind because he is the IGL, but all players have been shooting exceptionally well. Techno is the 5th highest rated player in the tournament, and both Techno and Senzu made an ace against Ence, showing how well they are individually prepared. Heroic are now demoralized, starting the tournament with 0/2, and with degster in poor form, it will be very difficult for them without him.

  • Voted: 2
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  • Units -178.52
  • ROI -2.37%
  • W% 47.90%

Last 10 picks:

  • Total picks: 915
  • Units won: 7428.48
  • W-L-T : 434-472-9
  • Avg.Stake of Units: 8.31
  • Staked units: 7607.00
  • Avg. Odds: 119.1

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