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2024/06/10 14:14 (Edmond Sumner Over 7.5 Points) @-118 1/10

The other players' totals didn't look good, even though before the finals I thought that Sumner could potentially be the x-factor. In both games, he usually looked tragically in defense. In the first game, he scored 6 points, played under 10 minutes, and couldn't play more because of a finger injury. In the second game, he started off well with 4 points, but in the same under 10 minutes, he got 5 turnovers. Zalgiris needs to be resourceful now that Sumner is out and Evans is the main option.

  • Voted: 7
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  • Units -31.49
  • ROI -7.91%
  • W% 49.75%

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