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2024/06/18 09:43 (Over 3) @2.360 8/10

If there's anything to take here, it's the improvement of the team. After a change of coach, the Portuguese finally turned their defensive team into an attacking one. Under Santošo's leadership, they were purely defensive and often struggled against more aggressive teams. Martinez brought in new ideas and made the team more competitive. Finally, even Ronaldo up front no longer looks like he's doing nothing, with the support of the wingers who are also able to replace him. The Portuguese defense has weakened, which is evident from friendly matches. The Czechs looked like a team that had lost its way, despite their opponents being weaker teams. They conceded goals. They have highly experienced forwards. If Santošo was leading the Portuguese team, I would doubt the over, but under the current coach, I expect an exciting game with opportunities for both sides. Although who knows, maybe the Czechs will cause problems for the Portuguese just like Peru did in the first match.

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