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2024/06/19 17:54 Spain @2.160 8/10

The Spaniards played very well against the Croats, the latter didn't really have any chances. With the change of coach, the Spaniards look very good, under for pushing and over for action. The Italians did not impress at all against the Albanians, they let in a goal with nothing special, but after conceding 2:1 in the 16th minute, the Italians completely stopped, the second half was just stalling for time, it was hard to watch. I thought the Italians would play something similar, but to look so bad against the Albanians, it was strange to see such small unders. The Spaniards seemed to me one of the better teams in the first round, not just because of the result, so I hope for a better performance from Peru against them.

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