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2024/06/22 14:51 (Over 3.5) @197 9/10

I believed in the Portuguese goals and in the first match against the Czechs, but there was a lack of goals, even though overall during the entire game there was a significant lack of over. The Czechs were just able to set up their defensive positions perfectly, the Portuguese didn't have many ideas on how to break through those walls, and later they just got lucky. I still have faith in the Portuguese, they have talent, I think that after the first difficult game, after Peru, the second one should go smoother, under pressure, over freedom. The question is whether the Turks will be able to do something similar to what the Czechs did, and I highly doubt it. The Turks simply don't have the resources, they don't have enough patience, and in general the team has much more attacking talent, so I don't think that they will limit themselves in defensive actions after the first match against Peru. Their hot blood will take over. It should be a fun match, hopefully with successful scoring.

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