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2024/06/23 06:03 Over (3.5) @128 10/10

Norwegian 1st division or OBOS-Ligaen. But whoever follows this league can see what is happening with Stabaek - they score and concede in large amounts, four, five, six and even over goals per game becomes almost normal, especially when the team is playing at home. It's impossible to predict the outcome of the matches, as recently there was even a 4-0 to 4-5 maneuver, but the fact remains for now - there are always a lot of goals and it doesn't really matter who the team is playing against. Although today's opponent seems quite favorable for that, Levanger has a decent offense, but their defense is not that great, so it seems like a perfect ingredient for Stabaek's promoted style of football, and for another match where goals won't be lacking.

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