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2024/06/25 15:11 (Over 3.5) @162 10/10

France currently has zero goals in this game, the only one scored by the Austrians. It seems unreal. There seem to be opportunities and chances, but neither Mbappe, nor Griezmann, nor anyone else can score them. Okay, the opponents were not easy either, but today everything seems to be laid out on a platter - defeating them means nothing, the Polish showed everything good in their attack, but their defense is terrible, allowing 5 goals, could have been twice as much. If the French will not be able to score at least a few goals, I don't know. Especially considering that they need to score and try to do it as many times as possible, to secure a spot in the easier half of the elimination rounds where there will be no Spaniards, Germans or Portuguese. It's hard to believe that they will fail, so I'm considering both team and individual totals.

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