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2024/07/09 08:52 (Celje) @-192 8/10

In the past season, Slovenia champions did not perform poorly and in the first round of matches, they beat the Latvian champions, reaching the group stage of the conference league. Now the other Slovenia champions, Celje, have a team with equal or even greater strength, so we can expect a lot from them in this European season. The Estonians rarely lose matches in the Champions League, so we can also expect a tough match between them and the Slovenian champions. Celje, who have had decent preparation, will also have a chance, but they have not shown good performance in domestic competitions, so I do not see them having a chance against such a strong team even at home.

Celje - 12.44 million euros
Flora - 3.59 million euros

  • Voted: 10
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