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2024/07/31 19:59 Japan @2.320 8/10

Well, here the Japanese may even be a bit underrated. The game looks beautiful, they fought normally against the Germans and even with a 4/19 shooting from Hachimura, they still managed to stay in the game for a long time. Kawamura has caught good form and they also have a reserve in Watanabe. The Japanese have better players. The Brazilians disappointed, Caboclo seems to have disappeared somewhere and is doing nonsensical things. Against the Germans, they played well in one period and that allowed them to stay in the game for a part of the match. The Japanese could have beaten Peru before the French, but fortune turned against them. Maybe here it's more of a 50/50 situation, but the odds are appropriate and I think that the Japanese have a better player for the entire match, even in individual periods, which often leads to their victory.

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