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2024/08/03 07:12 Over (Carlik Jones 16.5) @1.870 8/10

We will try to play South Sudan here until the end. Jones played both games for 37 and 38 minutes. One of the offensive leaders scored 18 and 19 points. Today he should also play close to 40 minutes and make a lot of shots. He will have to be aggressive, although the 3-pointers might not work, but the total doesn't reach the average and it's worth taking a chance.

  • Voted: 6
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Thanks: 42

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  • Units -177.88
  • ROI -4.30%
  • W% 41.67%

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  • W-L-T : 225-315-5
  • Avg.Stake of Units: 7.65
  • Staked units: 4169.00
  • Avg. Odds: 2.534

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