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2024/08/09 12:05 Over (LeBron James score 30+) @21.000 4/10

The lady of the house, France, showed that she knows how to defend, but tonight the NBA All-Stars performance is scheduled, which has nothing to do with defense. On the other hand, the French themselves will lose their motivation to defend when the deficit reaches double digits and the opponent's point total reaches 100, as there will be no limit.

The American "king," should put on his crown today, becoming the MVP of this final and nobody will be able to stop him from dominating the court. Especially if the whistle is blown for every touch and the green light is on for a defenseless game. LeBron, himself, will be over half of the game, playing an average of 20 minutes, so I think he will play almost the entire game today and should reach at least his career points average of 25-30 points.

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