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2024/08/18 14:16 (3way Ordinary Time Guimaraes) @-167 10/10

Vitoria with a new strategy looks AMAZING: 10 wins in a row, including 4/4 wins in the friendly leagues, winning the first round of the league, but most importantly, they have not conceded any goals in 7 games in a row. On the other hand, their opponents are struggling: they lost the first round 1:4 at home against the weakest competitor Santa Clara. They have only scored once. They have now lost 8 games in a row, and the friendly games were also unsuccessful. I believe Guimaraes will take the win at home.

  • Voted: 1
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  • Units -178.52
  • ROI -2.37%
  • W% 47.90%

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