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2024/08/25 16:31 Virtus Pro @-139 10/10

Yesterday, I was watching and I caught the live coefficient on VP while they were falling behind on the BIG 3 map 8-1. It is an experienced Russian team, with periods major winners, full of talented players and playing a steady but intelligent style of CS. Falcons' lack of success in sports, despite investing a lot of money, but their lineup is even weaker than VP's and they never win tournaments. I believe the Russians will get into their rhythm and defeat the Danes, Spaniard, and Montenegrin.

  • Voted: 3
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  • Units -178.52
  • ROI -2.37%
  • W% 47.90%

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  • Units won: 7428.48
  • W-L-T : 434-472-9
  • Avg.Stake of Units: 8.31
  • Staked units: 7607.00
  • Avg. Odds: 119.1

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