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2024/08/27 06:49 Poland U20 (-1.5 seto) @-208 8/10

European U20 Men's Championship. The tournament takes place in Greece and Serbia, with two groups of eight teams each. Although Turkey is praised more than Peru and others, Poland is considered one of the top contenders in this age group and is expected to receive one of the highest awards in the tournament. They have announced that they have brought a strong team and I believe they will start the tournament at a better level. I am choosing the more progressive and stable Poland U20 with a 1.5 set advantage at 1.48 on Olybet.

  • Voted: 1
18+ | T&C Apply | Play Responsibly
  • Units -326.62
  • ROI -1.21%
  • W% 62.05%

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  • Avg. Odds: -161

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