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2024/08/27 18:31 (1st half -5.5 LV Aces) @-116 8/10

One of the worst teams in the league, Dallas Wings (7-22), will face one of the top teams, Las Vegas Aces (18-11). The poor form of the Aces, I believe, gives a higher coefficient than usual, but I think we can take the Aces team here. Wings, thanks to a miracle, won at home against a very weak Sparks team, and the victory was due to a mega 4th period which they won 40-18. I expect the Aces to play consistently and control the game, as is usual in this league. In 15 out of 18 Aces games, when the team wins the 1st half, they also win the match, so this is the exact scenario we are looking at for betting purposes. In addition, out of 22 losses, the Wings team lost the 1st half 18 times.

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  • Units -483.17
  • ROI -2.58%
  • W% 50.32%

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  • W-L-T : 1172-1157-27
  • Avg.Stake of Units: 8.03
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  • Avg. Odds: -103

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