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2024/08/30 16:21 (Over 2.5) @-125 8/10

After 6 rounds, both teams occupy the last 2 places. The seasons started off very poorly and in today's match, there is finally a chance to score. The teams are evenly matched. So far, they have scored very little and let in a lot of goals, but in this match, we can expect goals from both sides. The defense is weak, but in offense they have something to offer and have played well against stronger opponents, so today they should be able to score.

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  • Units -277.20
  • ROI -12.20%
  • W% 41.32%

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  • W-L-T : 119-169-5
  • Avg.Stake of Units: 7.90
  • Staked units: 2314.00
  • Avg. Odds: 132.7

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