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2024/09/09 04:08 Paulson A. @-270 8/10

Challenger Szczecin, clay surface... the last qualifying round! When Andrius P. (22 years old) from the Czech Republic was a milk-juice (inexperienced player), in this tournament Alexander G. (34 years old) from Italy won the cup (in 2016). The latter, despite being an experienced player, his movement is somewhere beyond the horizon, understandable, it is always pleasant to come back to beautiful surroundings in Peru... but... today, a young player from the Czech Republic, a typical "smelinukas" (clay specialist), having an unusual season, is at the top. Understandably, the Italian may bravely compete, but to pull off the whole game, he might not have enough "smarves" (clay expertise).

  • Voted: 1
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  • Units -326.62
  • ROI -1.21%
  • W% 62.05%

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