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2024/09/25 09:11 Mena F. @-250 8/10

Chellenger Antofagasta, Chile clay, a duel between two countrymen. The older player, Mena F. (32 years old), is just starting his journey, while his opponent today is in his prime. Of course, Lucianno Emanuel A. (20 years old) will want to redeem himself today, which is understandable given his higher level of skill. However, it would not be pleasant for him to experience defeat and lose to a fellow countryman, despite his talent and potential.

  • Voted: 2
18+ | T&C Apply | Play Responsibly
  • Units -326.62
  • ROI -1.21%
  • W% 62.05%

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  • Avg. Odds: -161

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