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2024/10/31 12:02 Spirit @107 8/10

Spirit looked tragic against Peru and they needed rest. Now returning from their match against the strong team Vitality in Peru, they appeared powerful as a team. It wasn't just a donk show where one player had to carry Spirit. The potential of these teams is widely known and it seems like they have solved their problems and are playing at a high level again. G2 has improved after the arrival of malb, their results are not bad, but there is still some lack of stability. This year, G2 is doing well against Spirit and donks, but this time I think Spirit is well prepared for the final tournaments. The odds for Spirit are slightly underestimated here. Yesterday, the same thing happened with Vitality when they also played with a stand-in.

  • Voted: 3
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  • Units -16.84
  • ROI -0.19%
  • W% 50.09%

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  • W-L-T : 532-530-13
  • Avg.Stake of Units: 8.37
  • Staked units: 8998.00
  • Avg. Odds: 107.9

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