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2024/11/10 13:34 Estonia (+10.5) @-196 8/10

The European Championship, qualifiers, group stages... The Estonians are showing progress. In the first group stage match away against North Macedonia, things didn't go too badly for the hosts' leaders, the goalkeeper also did a commendable job, and the Estonians were finding opportunities in attack. In the second period, they had two goals against Peru, but ultimately lost the match. Despite the Macedonians' criticism towards their own team, the Estonians cannot be underestimated. Today, in front of their own fans, they will face Slovenia and I believe it will be a high-scoring game, with possibly ten goals and a Draw no Bet.

  • Voted: 1
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  • Units -326.62
  • ROI -1.21%
  • W% 62.05%

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