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2024/12/05 22:53 MOUZ @-151 6/10

Faze has been struggling for the whole year, and recently their performance has been unconvincing. Mouz has been in a good form lately - they confidently beat rmr 3-0, even surpassing Navi. On the first day of the major, they easily defeated Pain, but later lost to TheMongolz who were playing very well, although Mouz could have won that match as well. Faze ended the first day with a 1-1 record, barely winning against Wildcard and then losing to a mediocre team, Heroic. It's a bit worrisome, since it was a bo1 match, but Mouz simply looks like a more mature, better team at the moment. If they play at their average level, they will surely win against Peru.

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