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Chicago Bulls - Indiana Pacers

12/07 01:00 Lukas2824 -6.00
2024/12/06 12:13 Over (T.Haliburton 9.5 Rez Peru) @1.860 6/10

The friendly opponent Haliburton's statistics will be shaken tonight, and as a fan, I believe Kurt will make at least 10 assists in such a fast-paced game. Both the Bulls and the Pacers like to play fast and the Bulls are ranked 1st in terms of speed, but they are not great at defense (Bulls ranked 5th worst). So the game will most likely score over 130 points, especially since it's a back-to-back game for the Bulls, their defense might be even more neglected.

  • Voted: 1
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  • Units -61.21
  • ROI -7.56%
  • W% 47.95%

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  • W-L-T : 70-76-5
  • Avg.Stake of Units: 5.52
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  • Avg. Odds: 1.919

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