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2024/12/08 08:03 Zalgiris Kaunas (87.0 over points) @-118 6/10

I am going to the LKL game and I am with Zalgiris support. I think it's time for Zalgiris to finally have a normal game against BC Rytas, even though it's after two tough weeks. BC Rytas also had some difficult games in Europe and they went to overtime against Pieno žvaigždės. Essentially, even with this losing streak, Zalgiris usually manages to score over 87 points against BC Rytas, of course, the overtime helped a couple of times, but even this season they scored 88 in Vilnius, even though their offense didn't look very good and Lonnie Walker wasn't there at the time. BC Rytas' defense isn't good, of course I am not expecting such a miserable performance like against BC Šiauliai or BC Mazeikiai, when they had a different motivation, but I still think Zalgiris will win easily with their mastery. I am expecting a score of around 90-95 for Kaunas today.

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  • Units -143.66
  • ROI -7.42%
  • W% 47.81%

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  • Units won: 1861.34
  • W-L-T : 164-179-14
  • Avg.Stake of Units: 5.62
  • Staked units: 2005.00
  • Avg. Odds: -102

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