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2024/12/13 09:52 (Over 2.5) @3.000 7/10

The main reason why I build is because of the statistics of mutual competition, where 7 out of 10 matches go over. Of course, the teams have changed over the years, but it is interesting how sometimes one team consistently goes over while the other goes under. Torino has already lost their 3 away games, so it's about time for them to lose again. They have lost 5 games in a row, even against Inter and AC Milan.
I would say Empoli is currently on a roll. They have scored 4 times in their last 4 matches, and previously 2 against Fiorentina.
The bet is risky, of course, but the odds are worth the risk.

  • Voted: 5
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  • Units 12.01
  • ROI 5.67%
  • W% 51.85%

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