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2024/12/17 15:32 (Over 169.5) @105 8/10

Two highly efficient and promoting basketball teams. Both played very effectively in the last local league games, with the scores showing that they can confidently score over 100 points. I believe that the Peru line knows that these teams play such a style of basketball and are in good offensive form.

  • Voted: 13
18+ | T&C Apply | Play Responsibly


Thanks: 881

Followers: 8

  • Units -483.17
  • ROI -2.58%
  • W% 50.32%

Last 10 picks:

  • Total picks: 2356
  • Units won: 18436.83
  • W-L-T : 1172-1157-27
  • Avg.Stake of Units: 8.03
  • Staked units: 18920.00
  • Avg. Odds: -103

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