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2025/01/04 09:15 Vaxjo (Rungtyniu winner) @1.470 8/10

Sweden SHL... one of the worst-performing hosts this season, cannot keep up with the powerhouse teams and is struggling to earn points. Vaxjo is a consistent participant in the playoffs, ranking in the top five of the SHL league, but fell in the semifinals last season. The team has added a winger from Denmark, who has tasted NHL success, and an American who has experienced the AHL as a defender from Canada... a solid lineup that needs to start making strides. In their last six games, they have only had one win - it can't get any worse now.

  • Voted: 3
18+ | T&C Apply | Play Responsibly
  • Units -261.02
  • ROI -0.98%
  • W% 62.18%

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  • W-L-T : 2044-1243-72
  • Avg.Stake of Units: 8.10
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  • Avg. Odds: 1.620

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