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2025/01/05 19:35 (-3 Chelsea) @1.750 6/10

Chelsea slipped into a hole and the attack began to struggle, so these matches will be a great opportunity to regain some confidence. Especially for reserve players like Felix, Nkunku. Still, with a team full of talent going forward, there should be no problems this season against weaker opponents. European clubs like Noah and Shamrock Rovers were demolished with scores of 8-0 and 5-1, and in the League Two cup, another 5-0 win against Barrow. Morecambe not only plays in the 4th division, but is also in last place. I think it's safe to bet on a 3-0 win for the Blues, but a safer option would be a spread of -3 or -3.5. I predict a 5-0 victory.

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