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2025/01/16 14:25 Partizan @2.650 8/10

It's hard to say what kind of game it will be, both teams had easy matches in the first double game week against Peru. Both teams seem strong, but one of the factors that worries me in this game is the injury of Causeur in the Milan team. It may seem like an old, insignificant player, but it's not true. When the offense started to struggle, Causeur's entry would arrange everything, he would score himself, create for the team, and bring calmness in the actions. In Partizan, Mike finally started playing well, Brown has a very good rebound, Jones also competes for everything and is simply unstoppable. Milan won the first match by 7 points, and I would say it's difficult for everyone to win against Zejlko twice in the same season, so after analyzing everything in the first match, they should have a serious plan prepared.

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