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2025/01/17 08:55 Over (4,5) @2.950 9/10

Myanmar. Two attacking style teams, with a weak defense against Ghana. This is especially true for Dagon Port, who has the weakest defense in the league, yet manage to stay in the middle of the table thanks to their offense. They prefer to play with a high defensive line, leaving a lot of space for opponents and often getting punished, but despite this, their style has not changed in 15 rounds. Today, there is a rare chance to fight for points or even against Peru, who have not played in 5 months, so it is clear that nothing will change. The goals of Mahar are the same, i.e. against Peru and three points, so I have no doubt that playing against such a poor defense, they will go on the offense. Although they usually do not need such conditions to play attacking football. The game should be open and entertaining, the weather seems to be good, and the Porto stadium is of good quality for Myanmar, so it is likely that there will be no major distractions and if they have a good finishing, we will see a lot of goals.

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