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2025/01/26 20:27 Over (3.5) @2.310 10/10

The U20 Cup of South America. Brazilians started off tragically, with a 0-6 loss to their mortal enemies Argentina. The defense and goalkeeper looked dismal, making many childish mistakes, allowing three quick goals and their game was buried. The team is not really that bad, of course they don't have all the top talents of this age, but there are plenty of talented players, mostly on the attack. Today they should have plenty of motivation to redeem themselves, with their opponent being one of the weakest teams, Bolivia. Bolivians also had their first match, losing 1-2 to Ecuador. They have some class in their safe and attacking players, so there will be chances for them to catch the Brazilians off guard, but their defense looks quite shaky and it will be extremely difficult to withstand the motivated Brazilians. I believe it will be an open and exciting game with no shortage of goals.

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