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2025/01/31 10:07 (Gernika Bizkaia) @3.200 7/10

The Gernika team is playing well at home. They defeated Zaragoza and gave a fight to Girona and Valencia. Injured Dominguez is back on Avenida. Delaere also had problems and didn't play in the last 2 games. As it was known, the team was hit with a virus, and no one could postpone the games, resulting in losses against Bourges and Ferrol. There was no time to rest, as just a few days before, they had to play a meaningless game against the Czech Republic in the Euroleague. They were also close to losing in that game, as they were down by 20 in the middle of the third period, but somehow managed to come back and win. I believe fatigue and injuries will play a significant role in this battle.

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