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Split - Cedevita Olimpija

02/01 16:00 mall89 -8.00
2025/01/31 22:58 (Over 159.5) @1.830 8/10

Split - 76 points per average ABA league game, while Cedevita nearly scores 85 points, so the line is normal, but when playing against a team like Cedevita, which loves to play offensively, I believe we can expect a high-scoring game. Split is known for being very unpredictable, but often plays offensively, and in one game only scored 48 points, which brought down their average. Cedevita will be playing a crucial game against Hamburg in the EuroCup, where all their focus will be, so we can expect them to allow Split to score over the line, making the overall game look good for an over.

  • Voted: 6
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  • ROI -3.16%
  • W% 50.05%

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