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2025/02/01 11:45 Magomedov @1.500 8/10

Magomedov not only throws more strikes (6.82 SLPM vs. 2.38) and with more accuracy (65%), but also has better defense (+2.7 differential, 71% defense against takedowns). He maintains control in the clinch (72% of the time), where he is most dangerous. Page may have an advantage in reach, but his low strike rate and limited grappling abilities are unlikely to hinder Magomedov's aggressive style. Additionally, Page lacks the knockout power in the UFC, while Magomedov has already proven he can finish fights with knockouts. With an undefeated record (15-0) and 4-0 in the UFC, I believe Magomedov's winning streak will continue.

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  • Units -269.91
  • ROI -3.91%
  • W% 46.80%

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