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2025/02/07 10:50 Eternal Fire @-164 8/10

It must be acknowledged that TheMongolz easily reached the playoffs. They defeated average-level teams Liquid and GamerLegion, but had no chance against NaVi. I think the young players will feel extra pressure in the arena, while EF looks great this season. I hesitated to bet against them against FaZe, but they proved they are ready to compete for titles. They have a good chance of reaching the final for the second tournament in a row, and I believe they are the clear favorites against TheMongolz. I am going with the safest option, just a simple Peru.

  • Voted: 1
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  • Units -330.41
  • ROI -6.48%
  • W% 51.11%

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  • Avg. Odds: -114

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