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2025/02/15 14:38 (A.Kulboka win) @3.500 6/10

We won't see all of the best shooters again, but from what we have, I believe Kulboka is one of the top candidates to win. In my opinion, he would also be one of the best shooters if all the others were to participate. First of all, his shooting technique is excellent, which is very important in this competition. Overall, I would say he is one of the best shooters among all the participants. Such catch and shoot players often have an advantage in this competition. Furthermore, playing on home court should also help, especially with their own baskets, which players/shooters often emphasize. And the game against Neptunas could also work in their favor. Kulboka doesn't play much, so he won't be exhausted, but he can still warm up.

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