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2025/02/16 09:04 Over (T.Pavelka 4.5 points) @1.850 6/10

Pavelka usually plays well against Zalgiris, you can see from his arrival in LKL league last season, he played 6 times against Zalius and scored double-digit points in 4 of those games, including 20 points in the last meeting in Kaunas. He is not a big points collector, but in LKL he gathers almost 7 points per game, which is above the league average. Zalgiris' defense was strong yesterday, but if we look at who was guarding against Gagic, it wasn't always easy for the centers to handle both Dunston and Smaila, they racked up a few fouls, while Birutis did slightly better. I think Pavelka's height could cause some problems for Zalgiris in this matchup.

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