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2025/02/18 08:10 (+0.5 Juventus) @-161 6/10

Juve arrives with a 1 goal handicap and a team that experts almost guarantee will not lose in the match, I believe they will handle it within 90 minutes. Considering current form, Juve seems significantly better than PSV, with 4 consecutive wins including a win against Inter last weekend which should boost their confidence even more. There is little to say about PSV, as they are currently in a weak state, losing their local league easily, even to Ajax, with only 1 win in their past 5 matches. With such a form, it is difficult to have any faith that they will be able to overcome a Juve team that has only experienced 4 losses this season, and has not even lost a single game in their away matches in Europe. I am expecting a score of 0-0/1-1.

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