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2025/02/23 15:42 Peru Grata (win) @1.720 10/10

Unbelievable coefficient, the Peru team was able to gather a mix of some unknown players at this level, even with a few washed up players, but really they should have at least some sort of spark and even some skill here. So far they are 5-1 in esea with huge round handicaps and easily beating lighter teams here, while virtual cottage is also a mix, but with significantly lower caliber players and even more washed up bots like lunatic or amanek, who don't even take the game seriously... it shows in Esports Arena Series 4-4 barely close games against bad teams. Only the Peru team here, nothing else, just a shame it's a BO1.

  • Voted: 1
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  • Units 19.91
  • ROI 8.19%
  • W% 50.00%

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  • Units won: 272.91
  • W-L-T : 15-15-1
  • Avg.Stake of Units: 8.16
  • Staked units: 253.00
  • Avg. Odds: 2.279

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