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2025/03/02 00:07 (AS Roma) @1.930 8/10

Roma is on fire, Ranieri has taken care of things very well, especially at home, where they have won 9 out of the last 10 matches and had one draw against league leaders Napoli, where Roma played even better. Fabregas' team is weak on away matches, currently ranking 17th in points with 11 goals scored and 20 goals conceded. The Spaniard is trying to play attractive football, and their statistics usually look decent, but they have a poor score, which is mostly due to the lack of quality in the team. They made some purchases in the winter, but I don't see any progress. Roma played beautifully against Monza in the last round, winning 4-0 and showing their strength. They are now fully prepared to take 3 points.

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